Friday, July 29, 2011

Codes and The Elite Noobs

Coins- (for everyone)
Facebook Gems- (for Facebook users)
Monthly- (for all)
N/A, expired.

The Elite Noobs. Okay, so all the older people think "Maxine is an idiot" and the noobs think "Elite Noobs? Cool!!! I want in!!!!"
To make a long story short, it's my crew (well now it's my crew it used to be malorie's but she's obviously not a noob anymore.) And when the Queen Of Noobs becomes a Level 40 she will pass on the crew to another Elite Noob.
(More info on the Elite Noobs soon.)

Earn Your OWN Gems

Hey, this is a quick peep for those who give out their Gambit or other gem-earning links. Of course it's nice when other people stand through the terror and get you gems, but did you know the links include your User ID?

Of course, giving away your User ID is always dangerous... especially on sites where it can be used for payment or to get into your account in emergencies. But even though ourWorld doesn't use it for that, if someone knows the right place to copy and paste into, you could get hacked.

So a notice to all y'all who didn't know that... remove those links from the forum signatures and earn your own gems. While videos are going play a PC game like Virtual Families or Diner Dash to pass the time if you don't wanna watch 'em. Just be safe!!

(And I know I sound really cheesy saying that but it's the truth and stuff.)

Live long and earn lots of (your own) gems!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Is Zoe's Club??

This is a very popular question coming from everyone who's seen the little silver star.
(FYI, it isn't silver, it's platinum, which is about thrice as rare.)

And I quote...

"In addition to all the benefits of Resident membership, Zoe's Club members also get:
  • 500 Gems per month
  • Free Marketplace Listings
  • Platinum Star Marker (replaces the Resident Triangle Icon)
  • Bigger, better, Flow boost - 100% GROUP Flow Boost
  • Bigger Groups of up to 8 friends
  • Zoe's Club Shop - Rare and Super Rare items only for Zoe's Club members.
Players who have been invited to join Zoe's Club will find a Zoe's Club tab on their "Pay Online" page."

~ourWorld help page

As you may have guessed, it's invite only. 
As you may also have guessed, I am a jealous Tourist >:(

Live long and earn lots of gems!!

~Malorie, the girl who is working on a photoshop image to go with that signature

A New Type of Live Help Coming Soon...

I'm a Volunteer Helper as you may know, and we get access to the exclusive forums. Recently Live Help wa turned off and many of us were beginning to panic...
But now, our VFM (very fabulous moderator) Wylde solved that, we're getting a new kind of live help.
I'm not going to spill the Volunteer helper's end, if you're a Helper you can see it in the forum. But on the other end it may look like this.
I think this is an EXTREMELY cool picture, because not only is there the new Volunteer Helper thing, the Boardwalk is completely redesigned, and look at the top bar- Games icon is different, the Flow think looks more like the downWorld XP bar but shows your boost, and the Gems says "buy more here." The Flow circle is thinner & more futuristic. Chat says "type chat here." This will definitely be a less confusing ourWorld for the noobs.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Treasure Hunt coming soon!

Been to Enchantments recently? Then you've probably seen... IT.

IT meaning...


According to some volunteer helpers who have ACTUALLY accessed "playtest*" the shovel costs gems but you can use it to dig up coins and flow. In the future, they will be making a shovel that allows you to dig up Mystery Boxes, Rares and even Super Rares.

Live long and make lots of gems!!

*Playtest is a Volunteer Helper-only accessible server which lets you test out up and coming stuff. Even though I am a volunteer helper I have not yet gotten the URL for it. And before you ask, NO I will NOT give you the URL, it could get my account terminated.